Troth Insurance

Life Insurance

Life insurance provides financial protection against events affecting human life, such as death, disability, accidents, and retirement. Human life carries the risk of death and disability from natural or accidental causes, leading to a loss of income for the household. While the value of human life is immeasurable, a monetary amount can be calculated based on potential future income loss. Life insurance offers a guaranteed sum, known as the Sum Assured, as a benefit in case of death or disability of the insured during the policy term. This ensures a specific amount of money is provided to the beneficiaries or the insured in such events.

Types of Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance

Term insurance offers financial protection for your family in case of your demise. You have to pay a premium to avail this life coverage for your financial coverage. Term insurance plans are one of the most affordable life insurance plans. It is the most crucial financial instrument that you must have in your portfolio.

Securing life and ensuring financial stability for one’s family are the core objectives behind any insurance policy. Among the various types available, term life insurance stands out for offering coverage over a specified period in exchange for regular premium payments for choosen terms.

Key Highlights

Specific Duration Coverage

Term insurance protects the insured for a chosen period.

Variety of Plans

Level term, increasing term, decreasing term, return of premium, and convertible term plans.


When selecting a policy, it’s vital to consider coverage, term length, premium costs, and the insurer’s reputation.

Beneficiary Benefits

In case of the policyholder’s demise during the term, beneficiaries receive a death benefit.

Debt Payment and Future Investment

Useful for clearing debts or future financial planning.

Understanding Term Insurance

Term insurance acts as a financial safety net, offering a predetermined amount to the policyholder’s beneficiaries upon their demise. It represents a promise of financial support to your family in your absence, in return for the premiums paid. While survival beyond the term doesn’t yield direct benefits, the peace of mind knowing your family’s well-being is secure is valuable. It’s important to choose a plan that aligns with your specific needs after thorough research.

How Term Insurance Functions

The mechanism of term insurance is straightforward: select a policy, pay regular premiums during the term, and if you pass away within this period, your beneficiaries receive a death benefit. The death benefit amount is predetermined, potentially covering from thousands to lakhs of rupees. Term policies are cost-effective, offering coverage for a limited time, which generally results in lower premiums compared to permanent life insurance policies. This affordability makes term insurance appealing for those seeking financial protection for their families without straining their budgets.

Types of Term Insurance Plans

Term insurance caters to diverse needs through various plans, each with unique features and benefits

Level Term Insurance

Fixed premiums and sum assured throughout the policy term.

Decreasing Term Insurance

Sum assured decreases annually until the policy expires, typically carrying lower premiums.

Convertible Term Plans

Allows conversion into another type of life insurance policy in the future.

Increasing Term Insurance

The sum assured increases over time, while premiums remain constant.

Term Insurance with Return of Premium

Fixed premiums and sum assured throughout the policy term.

Why It's Essential

Financial Security for Loved Ones

Provides a safety net for your family, covering funeral costs, debts, and living expenses.

Debt Relief

Can cover significant debts, preventing them from becoming a burden to your family.

Affordable Premiums

Offers a cost-effective way to secure a significant coverage amount, with options for fixed premiums throughout the term.

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Health Insurance

Global Health Care, Mediclaim, Critical Illness & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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Saving Life Insurance

Saving life insurance, also known as savings-based life insurance, combines the benefits of a life insurance policy with the opportunity to save money over time. This type of insurance not only provides financial security to your beneficiaries in the event of your untimely demise but also accumulates a cash value that the policyholder can use during their lifetime.

Key Highlights

Dual Benefit: life coverage plus savings accumulation

Option for Policy Loans or Withdrawals

Cash Value Growth Over Time

Tax Benefit

Understanding Savings Insurance

Saving insurance is designed for individuals looking to secure their family’s financial future while also building a savings corpus. It offers a guaranteed sum to the beneficiaries upon the policyholder’s death and a maturity benefit if the policyholder survives the policy term. The premiums paid contribute both towards the life cover and the savings component, which earns interest or is invested depending on the policy type.

How Saving Plan in Insurance Functions

A portion of the premium goes toward life insurance coverage, ensuring that beneficiaries are financially protected. The other portion is invested or saved, growing over time and contributing to the policy’s cash value. Policyholders may have the flexibility to choose how their savings are invested, influencing the rate of return. Over time, the cash value increases and can be withdrawn or borrowed against, subject to the terms of the policy.

Types of Saving Insurance Plans

Saving Insurance caters to diverse needs through various plans, each with unique features and benefits

Traditional Endowment Plans

Offer a lump-sum payment on policy maturity or on the policyholder’s death, with returns typically guaranteed.

Money-Back Plans

Provide periodic payouts as a percentage of the sum assured during the policy term, with the balance amount paid at maturity.

Guaranteed Return Plan

Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs)

Part of the premium is invested in market-linked instruments, offering potentially higher returns but with a risk factor.

Whole Life Insurance Plans

Offer life coverage for the policyholder’s entire life, with a savings component that builds cash value.

Why It's Essential

Financial Security for Loved Ones

Ensures your family is financially protected in your absence.

Wealth Accumulation

Builds a savings pot through the policy’s cash value, which can be used for future financial needs, such as education, retirement, or emergency expenses.

Flexible Financial Planning

Some plans offer the flexibility to adjust premium payments, coverage levels, and investment choices.

Tax Benefits

Offers tax deductions on premiums paid and tax-free benefits under prevailing tax laws.

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Health Insurance

Global Health Care, Mediclaim, Critical Illness & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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Child Life Insurance

Child life insurance is a financial product designed to secure the future of a child, offering both life insurance coverage and, in many cases, a savings component that can be used for future expenses like education or starting a business. These policies not only provide financial protection but also help in building a financial corpus for the child’s future needs.

Key Highlights

Provides Life Insurance Coverage for Children.

Offers Flexibility in Terms of Coverage Options and Savings Goals.

Includes a Savings or Investment Component for the Child's Future.

Tax Benefit

Understanding Child Life Insurance

Child life insurance policies are tailored to protect the child’s future financially, ensuring that resources are available for major life events. These policies typically come into effect from the child’s birth or early years and can extend into their adulthood, offering a combination of life insurance protection and financial savings.

How Child Life Plan in Insurance Functions

A child life insurance plan typically works by having the parent or guardian pay regular premiums. The insurance component offers financial protection, while the savings component accumulates a cash value that the child can use later in life.

Types of Child Life Insurance Plans

Child Life Insurance caters to diverse needs through various plans, each with unique features and benefits

Traditional Child Plans

Provide a fixed sum assured and a maturity benefit for financial security and savings.

Child Education Plans

Specifically designed to cover educational expenses, offering payouts at crucial educational milestones.

Unit Linked Child Plans (ULIPs)

Part of the premium is invested in market-linked instruments, aiming for higher returns that contribute to the child’s future financial needs.

Child Savings and Investment Plans

Focus on building a corpus through regular savings and investments, offering flexibility in fund choices.

Why It's Essential

Financial Security

Ensures that funds will be available for the child’s education, marriage, start-up business funding, or any unforeseen events.

Wealth Accumulation

Builds a financial corpus over time, which can be a significant asset for the child’s future.

Flexibility and Control

Parents can choose how the savings component is invested, allowing for tailored financial planning based on the child’s needs.

Peace of Mind

Provides reassurance that the child’s financial future is secure, regardless of life’s uncertainties.

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Health Insurance

Global Health Care, Mediclaim, Critical Illness & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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Guaranteed Income Plan

A Guaranteed Income Plan is a financial product that combines the features of insurance and investment, providing policyholders with a steady income after a certain period or upon the policy’s maturity. It’s designed for individuals seeking a reliable source of income alongside the benefit of life coverage.

Key Highlights

Secure, Steady Income Post-investment Period.

Lump-sum Payout on Policy Maturity or Upon the Insured's Demise.

Life Insurance Coverage.

Tax Benefit

Understanding Guaranteed Income Plan

Guaranteed Income Plans are structured to offer policyholders peace of mind through a dual promise: a guaranteed income stream at predefined intervals and life insurance protection. This makes them an attractive option for long-term financial planning, offering a blend of security and steady growth.

How Guaranteed Income Plan Functions

When you invest in a Guaranteed Income Plan, you commit to paying a premium for a specified term. In return, you start receiving a guaranteed income after the premium payment term ends, for a duration set at the policy’s inception. Additionally, these plans often include a lump-sum payment upon maturity or provide a death benefit to the nominee if the policyholder passes away, ensuring financial protection for the family.

Types of Guaranteed Income Plan

Guaranteed Income Plan caters to diverse needs through various plans, each with unique features and benefits

Immediate Income Plans

Begin to provide income immediately after the investment is made, suitable for those requiring immediate income.

Fixed Guaranteed Income Plans

Offer a fixed income at regular intervals, providing predictability and security.

Deferred Income Plans

Income payments start after a certain deferment period, ideal for long-term financial goals like retirement planning, child higher education, marraige etc…

Variable Guaranteed Income Plans

The income may vary based on the underlying investment performance, offering potential for higher returns.

Why It's Essential

Financial Security

Ensures a steady income stream, which is particularly valuable during retirement or in the absence of regular earnings.

Safety and Security

Provides a guaranteed return, making it a safe investment choice amidst market volatility.

Life Coverage

Offers the added benefit of life insurance, ensuring financial security for the policyholder’s family in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Tax Benefits

Premiums paid and income received may be eligible for tax benefits under prevailing tax laws, adding to its financial efficiency.

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Health Insurance

Global Health Care, Mediclaim, Critical Illness & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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Pension Plan

A Pension Plan, also known as a retirement plan, is designed to offer individuals a steady income after retirement, ensuring financial independence and security in their later years. These plans encourage long-term savings, offering various investment options to grow retirement funds over time.

Key Highlights

Provides a Stable Income Post-retirement.

Offers Various Plans Tailored to Individual Retirement Goals.

Encourages Long-term Savings and Investment for Retirement.

Tax Benefit * Premium Paid is Tax Free

Understanding Pension Plan

Pension Plans are financial products that help individuals save systematically during their working years to secure a stable income after retirement. By contributing a portion of their income over time, individuals can ensure they have financial support when they no longer have regular employment income.

How Pension Plan Functions

Participants contribute to their pension plan over their working life. These contributions are invested, allowing the fund to grow over time. Upon reaching retirement age, the plan provides the individual with options for withdrawing the pension, either as a lump sum, a regular income (annuity), or a combination of both. The aim is to replace employment income with pension income, maintaining the individual’s standard of living in retirement.

Types of Pension Plan

Pension Plan caters to diverse needs through various plans, each with unique features and benefits

Defined Benefit Plans

Specify a predetermined amount to be paid upon retirement, based on salary and years of service.

Immediate Annuity Plans

Involve a lump sum payment in exchange for immediate regular income post-retirement.

National Pension Scheme (NPS)

A government-sponsored pension scheme aimed at providing a pension opportunity to all citizens.

Defined Contribution Plans

Contributions are made into an individual account, with the retirement benefits depending on the account’s performance.

Deferred Annuity Plans

Contributions are made over time, with the income phase starting at a future date.

Why It's Essential

Financial Independence

Ensures a steady income stream after retirement, maintaining financial independence without relying on employment.

Long-Term Savings

Encourages disciplined savings over the long term, providing a substantial fund for retirement.

Inflation Protection

Helps to protect against the eroding effects of inflation on savings through investment growth.

Peace of Mind

Provides peace of mind knowing that financial needs will be met in retirement, allowing for a focus on enjoying later life without financial stress.

Tax Benefits

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Health Insurance

Global Health Care, Mediclaim, Critical Illness & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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Group Term Life Insurance

Group Term Life insurance is a type of life insurance coverage provided to a group of people, typically employees of a company or members of an organization, under one contract. This policy provides a financial safety net to the beneficiaries of the group members in case of an untimely death of any member during the coverage period.

Key Highlights

Collective Life Insurance Coverage for Groups.

Automatically Covers All Members of the Group, Often Without the Need for Medical Examinations.

Cost-effective Compared to Individual Life Insurance Policies.

Tax Benefit

Understanding Group Term Life

Group Term Life insurance is an employer- or organization-sponsored benefit that offers life insurance protection to its members as a part of their employment or membership package. It’s designed to provide peace of mind to the employees or members and their families, knowing that there is financial protection in place.

How Group Term Life Functions

An organization purchases a master policy from an insurance company and then offers coverage to its members or employees. The premium is determined based on the group’s overall risk profile rather than individual health conditions, which often makes it more affordable. Coverage is typically for a set term and provides a death benefit to the designated beneficiaries if the member dies while covered by the policy.

Types of Group Term Life

Group Term Life caters to diverse needs through various plans, each with unique features and benefits

Basic Group Term Life

Often provided by employers at no cost to the employee, with a fixed death benefit amount.

Voluntary Group Term Life

Not employer-sponsored; instead, group members opt-in and pay the full premium for coverage they select.

Supplemental Group Term Life

Offers employees the option to purchase additional coverage on top of the basic policy, usually at their own expense.

Dependent Group Term Life

Provides coverage for the family members of the group member, such as a spouse or children.

Why It's Essential

Financial Security for Families

Ensures that the beneficiaries of the group members have financial support in the event of the member’s death.

Attract and Retain Talent

Acts as a valuable employee benefit that helps organizations attract and retain staff.


Group rates are typically lower than individual rates, making it a cost-effective option for both employers and employees.

Ease of Administration

Group policies are easier to manage and require less paperwork than individual policies.

No Medical Exam Required

Coverage is often granted without individual health assessments, making it accessible to more people.

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Health Insurance

Global Health Care, Mediclaim, Critical Illness & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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Moneyback Plan

A Moneyback Plan is a type of life insurance policy that not only offers life coverage but also returns a portion of the premiums to the policyholder at regular intervals throughout the policy’s term. It’s designed for individuals who seek the dual benefits of insurance protection and periodic liquidity.

Key Highlights

Life Insurance With Periodic Returns.

Returns a Certain Percentage of the Sum Assured at Regular Intervals.

Tax Benefits

Financial Protection for the Family in Case of the Policyholder's Untimely Demise.

Lump-sum Amount Upon Maturity.

Understanding Moneyback Plan

Moneyback Plans combine the security of life insurance with the benefit of getting back a part of the invested money at regular intervals. This feature makes it an attractive option for people looking for a disciplined saving avenue along with life coverage.

How Moneyback Plan Functions

The policyholder pays regular premiums over the policy term. In return, they receive a percentage of the sum assured at predetermined intervals as survival benefits. If the policyholder survives the policy term, they receive the remaining sum assured along with any accumulated bonuses at maturity. In the event of the policyholder’s untimely death during the policy term, the nominee receives the full sum assured (death benefit), regardless of the payouts already made, ensuring financial support for the policyholder’s family.

Types of Moneyback Plan

Moneyback Plan caters to diverse needs through various plans, each with unique features and benefits

Standard Moneyback Plans

Offers fixed survival benefits at regular intervals and a lump-sum maturity benefit.

Retirement Moneyback Plans

Designed to serve as a retirement tool, offering periodic payouts during the post-retirement phase.

Child Moneyback Plans

Tailored for children’s future needs, providing periodic payouts at key educational milestones.

Deferred Annuity Plans

Contributions are made over time, with the income phase starting at a future date.

Why It's Essential

Financial Planning

Helps in planning for future financial needs by providing liquidity at regular intervals.

Life Coverage

Offers financial security to the policyholder’s family in case of an unforeseen event.

Savings Discipline

Encourages disciplined savings with the benefit of periodic returns.

Goal-Based Savings

Ideal for meeting specific financial goals like education, marriage, or retirement planning.

Risk-Free Returns

Since it’s an insurance product, the returns, although not as high as market-linked investments, are guaranteed, making it a safer investment option.

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Health Insurance

Global Health Care, Mediclaim, Critical Illness & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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Unit Linked Plan

A Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) is a multifaceted financial product that combines the benefits of investment and insurance in a single plan. ULIPs allow policyholders to invest in various market-linked assets while providing life cover, making them suitable for those looking to achieve long-term financial goals with the added benefit of life insurance.

Key Highlights

Investment Plus Insurance in One Plan.

Flexibility to Switch Between Funds Based on Risk Appetite.

Tax Benefits

Market-linked Returns With a Choice of Fund Options.

Life Cover to Protect the Policyholder’s Family.

Understanding Unit Linked Plan

ULIPs allocate a portion of the premium towards life insurance and the remain is invested in equity, debt, or hybrid funds, depending on the policyholder’s preference and risk tolerance. The investment component of ULIPs is subject to market risks but offers the potential for higher returns compared to traditional insurance products.

How Unit Link Plan Functions

When you invest in a ULIP, the insurance company invests part of your premium in chosen funds, which are divided into units with a certain face value. The value of these units increases or decreases based on the fund’s performance. Policyholders have the flexibility to select their preferred funds and can switch between funds to manage risk and returns. In the event of the policyholder’s untimely demise, ULIPs provide the sum assured or the fund value (whichever is higher) to the beneficiaries.

Types of Unit Linked Plan

Unit Linked Plan caters to diverse needs through various plans, each with unique features and benefits

Equity Funds

Invest predominantly in equity stocks, suitable for those with a high-risk appetite.

Balanced Funds

A mix of equity and debt investments, offering a balanced risk-return profile.

Debt Funds

Focus on bonds and other fixed income instruments, ideal for conservative investors.

Funds Targeting Specific Goals

Some ULIPs offer funds designed for specific investment goals like retirement, child’s education, etc.

Why It's Essential

Wealth Creation

Offers the potential for higher returns through market-linked investments, aiding in wealth accumulation over the long term.

Financial Protection

Provides life cover, ensuring financial security for the policyholder’s family in case of their demise.


Allows policyholders to switch funds, adjust the premium, and choose their coverage level.

Tax Benefits

ULIPs offer tax benefits on premiums paid and benefits received under prevailing tax laws, making them tax-efficient.

Goal-based Savings

Can be tailored to meet various financial goals, such as funding education, buying a home, or retirement planning.

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Health Insurance

Global Health Care, Mediclaim, Critical Illness & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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Business Insurance

Business Protection Term Assurance is a type of insurance that protects your business from the financial impact of death or terminal illness (during the term of the policy) of a key person, for shareholder or partnership protection or for business loan protection.

Business or key employee insurance is a specialized insurance policy designed to financially protect the business in the event of the death, disability, or critical illness of such a key person. Key employees or keyman play a vital role in the growth, stability, and continuity of a business.

Key Highlights

A Security / Protection is Created on Day 1 With a Relatively Small Investment.

Employees and Vendors Would Be Assured About Buoyancy of Business.

Business Can Claim Tax Benefits Under Section 37(1) Towards the Premiums Paid*

Business Will Not Be Affected Financially in Case the Key Person’s Eventuality.

This Would Enable Banks and Other Creditors to Maintain Their Confidence.

Understanding Business Insurance

A Business Man is responsible for continued profitability, prosperity and growth of the organization. Absence of a Business Man may lead to decrease in revenue and profits, loss of business and delay in projects. A life insurance solution can be utilized by a business to compensate the financial losses that would arise from the death of the key person of the business.

How Business Insurance Functions

Business Man insurance is defined as an insurance policy where the proposer as well as the premium payer is the employer, the life to be insured is that of the employee and the benefit, in case of a claim, goes to the employer. Business Man insurance provides financial protection by covering potential losses incurred by the business in such situations. It ensures that the business can continue its operations, manage debts, recruit and train replacements, and withstand the financial impact of losing a key individual.

Types of Business Insurance Plans

Business Insurance caters to diverse needs through various plans, each with unique features and benefits

Keyman Insurance

Partnership Insurance

Employer - Employee Insurance

Why It's Essential

Financial Protection

provides financial protection by covering potential losses incurred by the business in such situations.

Tax Benefits

Business can claim tax benefits under section 37(1) towards the premiums paid*

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Health Insurance

Global Health Care, Mediclaim, Critical Illness & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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