Troth Insurance

Health Insurance

Health insurance, commonly referred to as Mediclaim in India, offers financial coverage for medical treatments and hospital stays. This insurance safeguards individuals from the economic burdens that can arise due to medical emergencies. When hospitalized because of an illness , health insurance covers various expenses, etc.. essentially encompassing nearly all associated expense and supports you financially at the need of emergency.

Types of Health Insurance

Health Insurance

By investing in an affordable annual premium, you can protect yourself against significant medical expenses, ensuring they don’t deplete your finances. Health insurance policies can be tailored for individuals or families under a Family Floater Health Insurance Plan. Additionally, premiums paid towards health insurance are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961, offering further financial benefits.

Key Highlights

Comprehensive Coverage

Offers financial cover for hospitalization, medications, tests, and treatments due to illness or injury.

Flexible Plans

Available for both individuals and families, with options like Family Floater Plans.

Cashless Hospitalization

Facilitates direct payments to network hospitals, simplifying emergency treatments.

Peace of Mind

Ensures mental comfort with the knowledge that health and financial wellbeing are secured.

Financial Protection

Affordable premiums protect against high medical costs, preventing financial strain.

Encourages Preventive Care

Includes coverage for preventive health checks to catch issues early.

Tax Benefits

Premiums paid are tax-deductible under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act.

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Individual Mediclaim Policy

An Individual Medical Policy is a type of health insurance plan that provides coverage for medical expenses incurred by an individual. Unlike group health insurance plans offered by employers, individual medical policies are purchased directly by individuals or families from insurance companies or through healthcare marketplaces.

Key Highlights

Coverage Options

Individual medical policies offer a range of coverage options, including hospitalization, doctor visits, prescription drugs, preventive care, and sometimes dental and vision care. Policyholders can select the coverage that best suits their healthcare needs.

Preventive Care

Many individual medical policies include coverage for preventive care services, such as vaccinations, screenings, and wellness visits, often with little or no out-of-pocket cost to the policyholder. This emphasis on preventive care can help individuals stay healthy and detect potential health issues early.


While the cost of individual medical policies varies depending on factors such as coverage level, plan type, and individual health status, there are often subsidies or tax credits available to help make insurance premiums more affordable for eligible individuals and families.

Financial Protection

Individual medical policies provide financial protection against unexpected medical expenses. While policyholders may be responsible for deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance, the insurance coverage helps mitigate the overall cost burden of healthcare services.


Individual medical policies are typically portable, meaning that policyholders can retain their coverage even if they change jobs or move to a different location, providing continuity of healthcare coverage.

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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Life Insurance

Business Insurance, Term Life Insurance, Savings Insurance & more

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Family Floater Mediclaim Policy

A Family Floater Mediclaim Policy is a type of health insurance plan designed to provide coverage to an entire family under a single policy. Instead of insuring individual family members separately, this policy covers all members of the family, including the primary policyholder, spouse, children, and sometimes dependent parents, under a single sum insured.

Key Highlights

Comprehensive Coverage

These policies typically offer comprehensive coverage for medical expenses, including hospitalization, doctor consultations, surgeries, diagnostic tests, medication, and other healthcare services. The coverage extends to all insured family members.


Family Floater policies are often more cost-effective than individual health insurance plans for each family member. Since the sum insured is shared among family members, the premium for a Family Floater policy is generally lower than the combined premiums of individual policies for each family member.


While the cost of individual medical policies varies depending on factors such as coverage level, plan type, and individual health status, there are often subsidies or tax credits available to help make insurance premiums more affordable for eligible individuals and families.

Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions

Family Floater policies typically cover pre-existing conditions after a specified waiting period, ensuring that family members with pre-existing health conditions are also covered under the policy

Shared Sum Insured

Family Floater policies provide a shared sum insured for the entire family, which can be utilized by any family member covered under the policy. This means that if one family member requires medical treatment that exhausts a portion of the sum insured, the remaining balance can still be used by other family members if needed.


These policies offer flexibility in terms of coverage options and sum insured. Policyholders can choose the sum insured based on their family’s healthcare needs and budgetary considerations. Additionally, they can often opt for add-on covers or riders to enhance the scope of coverage as needed.


Managing a single policy for the entire family is more convenient than maintaining separate policies for each family member. It simplifies administrative tasks such as premium payments, policy renewals, and claims processing.

Tax Benefits

Premiums paid for Family Floater Mediclaim Policies are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, providing additional savings for policyholders.

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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Life Insurance

Business Insurance, Term Life Insurance, Savings Insurance & more

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Senior Citizen Mediclaim Policy

A Senior Citizen Mediclaim Policy is a specialized health insurance plan designed to provide comprehensive coverage to individuals in their senior years, typically aged 60 years and above. These policies are tailored to meet the specific healthcare needs of senior citizens, who may require more extensive medical care and support as they age.

Key Highlights

Age Eligibility

Senior Citizen Mediclaim Policies are specifically designed for individuals who have reached a certain age threshold, usually 60 years or older. Some insurance companies may offer policies with even higher entry ages, such as 70 or 75 years.

Preventive Healthcare

Many Senior Citizen Mediclaim Policies include coverage for preventive healthcare services such as health check-ups, vaccinations, and screenings. These preventive measures are essential for managing and detecting health issues early in senior citizens.

Higher Sum Insured

Senior Citizen policies often offer higher sum insured options to provide adequate coverage for potential healthcare needs that may arise in older age. The sum insured can typically range from moderate to high levels depending on the insurer and policy selected.

Tax Benefits

Premiums paid for Senior Citizen Mediclaim Policies are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, providing tax relief to policyholders.

Comprehensive Coverage

These policies offer comprehensive coverage for various medical expenses, including hospitalization, doctor consultations, surgeries, diagnostic tests, medication, and other healthcare services. Coverage may also extend to pre-existing conditions after a specified waiting period.

No Pre-policy Medical Check-up

Some insurers offer Senior Citizen Mediclaim Policies without requiring pre-policy medical check-ups. This simplifies the application process and ensures that seniors can easily obtain coverage without undergoing extensive medical examinations.

Pre-existing Condition Coverage

While pre-existing conditions are generally excluded from coverage in standard health insurance policies, Senior Citizen Mediclaim Policies may provide coverage for pre-existing conditions after a specified waiting period, typically ranging from one to four years.

Lifetime Renewability

Senior Citizen Mediclaim Policies usually offer lifetime renewability, ensuring that individuals can continue to enjoy coverage for their healthcare needs as they age, without any age-related restrictions on policy renewal.

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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Life Insurance

Business Insurance, Term Life Insurance, Savings Insurance & more

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Critical Illness Mediclaim Policy

A Critical Illness Mediclaim Policy is a type of health insurance plan specifically designed to provide coverage for specified critical illnesses. Unlike traditional health insurance policies that cover a broad range of medical expenses, critical illness policies focus on providing financial support in the event of a serious illness diagnosis. These policies typically offer a lump sum payment upon the diagnosis of a covered critical illness, which can be used by the policyholder to cover medical expenses, treatment costs, and other financial obligations.

Key Highlights

Coverage for Specific Illnesses

Critical illness policies typically cover a predefined list of critical illnesses, which may include conditions such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, organ failure, major organ transplants, and certain types of paralysis, among others. The list of covered illnesses varies depending on the insurer and policy terms.

No Requirement for Hospitalization

Unlike traditional health insurance policies, critical illness policies do not always require hospitalization to trigger coverage. The diagnosis of a covered critical illness is sufficient to initiate the benefit payment.

Tax Benefits

Premiums paid for Critical Illness Mediclaim Policies are often eligible for tax deductions under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, providing tax relief to policyholders.

Lump Sum Benefit

Upon the diagnosis of a covered critical illness, the policyholder is entitled to receive a lump sum payment from the insurance company. This payment is typically made regardless of the actual medical expenses incurred and can be used at the policyholder’s discretion.

Stand-alone or Rider Option

Critical illness coverage can be obtained as a stand-alone policy or as a rider/add-on to an existing health insurance policy. When added as a rider, critical illness coverage supplements the basic health insurance coverage by providing additional financial protection against specified critical illnesses.

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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Life Insurance

Business Insurance, Term Life Insurance, Savings Insurance & more

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Top Up Mediclaim Policy

A top-up health insurance plan is an additional policy that offers extra coverage for people who already have health insurance. It helps pay for medical expenses once the main insurance coverage is used up. However, it only starts covering costs after a certain amount, called a deductible, has been paid by the insured. Top-up plans are usually cheaper than regular health insurance and can be added to the coverage provided by your employer. They offer extra financial protection in case of unexpected medical issues, making sure you have enough coverage when your existing insurance might not be enough.

Understanding the Differences Between Top-Up and Basic Health Insurance

Top-up health insurance plans cover almost all hospital expenses, similar to a basic health insurance plan. The main difference is that top-up plans are more affordable because they include deductibles—an amount you need to pay before the plan starts covering costs.

If your basic health insurance reaches its coverage limit, you can file claims under both the top-up plan and the primary health plan. You can even make claims with different insurance companies, each paying a part of the total claim.

It’s important not to confuse a top-up plan with a rider benefit. Rider benefits, like personal accident cover, hospital cash allowance, or critical illness cover, only provide coverage for specific conditions. You can only buy a rider with a main insurance plan. In contrast, a top-up plan can be purchased separately, regardless of whether you have a main plan.

Key Highlights

Coverage Beyond Threshold Limit

Top-Up policies come into effect once the medical expenses exceed the deductible threshold specified in the primary health insurance policy.

Flexible Deductible Options

Top-Up policies typically offer flexibility in choosing the deductible amount, allowing policyholders to tailor the coverage to their specific needs and budget. Higher deductibles usually result in lower premiums, while lower deductibles may lead to higher premiums.

Tax Benefits

Premiums paid for Top-Up Mediclaim Policies are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, providing tax relief to policyholders


Top-Up Mediclaim Policies offer a cost-effective way to enhance the coverage of an existing health insurance policy. Instead of purchasing a higher coverage limit for the primary policy, which can be expensive, individuals can opt for a Top-Up policy with a lower premium, covering only expenses that exceed the deductible.

No Claim Benefit

Some Top-Up policies offer a no-claim benefit feature, where if no claims are made during the policy period, the deductible amount is waived off for the subsequent policy period. This incentivizes policyholders to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid minor claims.

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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Life Insurance

Business Insurance, Term Life Insurance, Savings Insurance & more

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Global Healthcare Insurance

Retail health product which shall provide seamless Domestic and International health cover for any treatment taken anywhere across the globe. With individuals traveling frequently or working across national boundaries, the need for an effective health insurance solution for local and global health care is imperative. Global Health Care is a comprehensive health insurance for planned or emergency medical treatment outside India as well as within India.

Key Highlights

Providing Seamless Domestic as Well as International Health Coverage

Dual Sum Insured - Separate Limits for India in Inr & for Abroad in Usd

1.1 Million + Cashless Service Providers Around the World

One Can Plan Treatment Abroad Hence Avail Best Medical Facilities Around the World

No Geographical Boundaries - Diagnose Anywhere, Treatment Anywhere

Our Products

Individual Insurance

Car Insurance, Two Wheeler Insurance, Commercial Vehicle Insurance & more

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Corporate Insurance

Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance and more

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Life Insurance

Business Insurance, Term Life Insurance, Savings Insurance & more

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